Tuesday, March 15, 2011

National Dialogue Committee....Another No

Another attempt at riding the wave..to come out with as little concessions as possible. The National Dialogue Committee has been established..nobody knows how the members of these committee were selected - Anyway, I have my reservations:
My reservations are two fold.
 1- The mandate of the committee.
 2- The composition of the committee.
The mandate: To draw a new electoral law and political party law is defenitely not enough. The laws no matter how progressive, will not be enough to deal with the rot thats engulfing Jordan. Nor does it meet the minimum of demands expressed daily by the people of Jordan. A mandate that does not include ,as its ultimate goal, a constitutional monarchy is not even worth the time or the energy. As for the 3 month deadline, the above laws can be fromulated within weeks not months if the political will is there, however, it is still better than 3-9 months envisioned by the PM.
The Composition: I don't know how the members of the committee can be trusted by the people to accomplish the task of drafting modern laws, when they are themselves are ancient. I am quite sure that the average age of the committee mmebers are just under 60 years.
It is safe to say that members of the committee are people of the regime that the people have major problem with and are the same people who got us where we are now.
Members of the committee are not representative of the people.
Youths and women, safe to say, represent the vast majority of Jordanians, yet they are conspicously absent from the committee. The four women who are in the committee, I suppose, are there for cosmetic reasons.
With a mandate that is below expectation and members that are not representative, this excercise in reform is same old same old. So its either our voice has not been heard yet or there is ni intention to reform anything.

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