Wednesday, February 23, 2011


" This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy."
From MLK's I have a Dream Speech 

I have a dream that one day, not very far off, I shall wake up in the morning, and join Jordanians from all walks of life, demanding change and democracy.
I dream of streets filling up with Jordanians, men and women, marching from every city, town, village and refugee camp. From Ramtha and Aqaba, From Baqa’a to Wihdat, From the downtrodden east to the affluent west of Amman. All chanting in one voice, to reclaim our destiny and future.

On that morning a new day will be born; a day in which, we the people, can transform the desert of Jordan into an” oasis of freedom and justice”.
The freedom we seek is the freedom to choose our representatives who in turn choose the PM. The freedom to write an offensive poem, to express a different opinion or even a stupid one without fear of arrest. The freedom to go to bed Jordanian with the confidence that you will wake up Jordanian. The freedom from “dual nationality” and “ dual loyalty”. Freedom from nepotism, secrecy in the affairs of the state as well as the lies which we are fed up with and fed constantly. Freedom from torture being outsourced to Jordan. Freedom from the war on terror, which is not our war. Freedom from American” aid”, for services rendered. Services , the majority of Jordanians will, simply, reject to perform. Freedom of long held taboos. The freedom we seek is the freedom to direct our own destiny.
I have a dream. I dream that one day Justice in Jordan will reign supreme. Justice, under which, all Jordanians are equal, regardless origin, creed, relations or position. Justice, under which corruption will be fought systematically not selectively. Justice, under which a government official will leave office when caught lying, not live to lie another day. Justice, were the laws of the land are respected by all, and no one is above it.
In my dream, I saw my seven year old son a university student, who is very well versed in democracy, Justice, due process and the rule of law, and I knew, he learned all that from our generation.
  I saw all that happening and a lot more…..What’s your dream?  What are you doing about it?

An Imaginary Divide Getting Real?

Ever since the Palestinian immigration to Jordan, forced or otherwise, started, they were considered as an important section of the Jordanian social fabric. They were given citizenship and they integrated in society as such. A society they helped build and develop as their own. Their loyalty has never been in question despite their yearning to Palestine.
Today, the relationship between eastern and western Jordanian remains strong.  The economic and social relations are too intertwined to undo. Religion, language, culture and political aspirations are one. Such are the facts. But the seeds of division are being planted and we, all of us, are better watch out.
The issues of National Unity, Dual Loyalty are fashionable subjects these days. One quick read of talkbacks to any blog that deals with Jordanian issues, is enough to conclude that this “fault line” in Jordan is being stoked and encouraged to serve political interests of some forces on the basis of divide and conquer.  And the debate, if it exists at all, is serving the narrow interests of the few against the interests of the people and the country as a whole.
But what these forces seem to forget or choose to ignore is that once the divide is perceived by the people as being real, they will not be able to contain or control the events that will follow.
The region is going through a period of fast approaching fundamental change to the political status quo. We in Jordan must be prepared to cease the moment when the time comes. We cannot do it  divided.
We are one people in one ship, we either sail together or sink together.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


لا يخفى على أحد الوضع المأساوي الذي تعيشه الأمة العربية بشكل عام. والأردن , كدولة من دول هذه المنظومة, لا تحظى بوضع أفضل. فبالرغم من القواسم المشتركة الكثيرة لهذه الدول أبى حكامها إلا أن يتحفونا بقواسم أخرى كنا في غنى عنها. فالحكم مدى الحياة قاسم, والفساد قاسم, وبيع مقدرات الأوطان قاسم, والبطالة قاسم والفقر والجهل والعصبية الدينية والمذهبية والإقليمية قواسم مشتركة. وكل القواسم المذكورة, وأخريات لم تذكر, هي من خيرات و نعم هذه القيادات الملهمة والفذة, وليس لأحدٍ آخر التجني على هذه القيادات ليدعي بما لا يستحق من ثناء.
أما وقد حانت لحظة الحقيقة و وقت الحساب كما حدث في تونس ومصر ويحدث في ليبيا واليمن والبحرين وسيحدث في جميع الدول العربية, فهل ستتعظ هذه القيادات و تقود عملية الإصلاح الحقيقي كل حسب مطالب شعبه أم ستدفن رأسها في الرمال على طريقة مصر ليست بتونس, واليمن ليست بمصر, وليبيا ليست بمصر و تونس ثم تتعلق هذه الأنظمة عندما تقع الواقعة, بلوم مخططات خارجية تستهدف استقرار البلد.
أما بالنسبة للأردن فالوضع شبيه بمصر عشية ثورتهم (ثورتنا) المباركة. فالخطوط الحمراء تتهاوى و"هيبة" الدولة والحكم خاضعة للكثير من الأسئلة ولا أجوبة ..فالمظاهرات دورية والإعتصامات يومية والمطالبات(مشروعة وغير مشروعة) بتزايد. وإغلاق للشوارع الرئيسية في الدولة. أما البيانات من "شيوخ" العشائر, مؤيدة كانت أم  ناقدة, فحدث ولا حرج.
وللخروج من المأزق تم إستبدال سمير بمعروف, وسمح بالتظاهر(حق دستوري),  ووعد بتنفيذ إصلاحات"سريعة" ,وحماية أمنية للمعارض شبيلات, ولجنة للبحث في موضوع "الواجهات العشائرية". و 20 دينار.  قرارات رد فعل عشوائية لا تنم عن خطة شاملة تبشر بأي عملية يمكن أن ينتج عنها أي شكل من أشكال الإصلاح.
مطلب الشعب واضح وصريح والإصلاح الوحيد المطلوب هو الملكية الدستورية. ملك يعتلي العرش كرأس للدولة, وشعب يحكم من خلال برلمان و رئيس حكومة منتخبين. فهل سيتحقق هذا المطلب الإصلاحي  بقيادة أو كما شباب ثورة مصر..بلا قيادة؟
و هنا أستذكر قول المغفور له الحسين بن طلال " الإصلاح يبدأ بالنفس".